By Bill Hadcock
Earlier this summer I had the opportunity to attend a sales seminar at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto put on by sales legend Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling, and Dave Winfield, philanthropist, businessman and Major League Baseball Hall of Famer. The seminar focused on sales, winning, and success in general. There were about 150 salespeople in attendance, and we were all given lots of swag, snacks, coffee & more coffee. They wanted to make sure we were all pumped up… We were! The main takeaways from the conference were that first & unique impressions are everything, winners persevere no matter what, and building your brand online should be a priority. Same old tips? Maybe. Worthwhile to review? Of course.
I had a client recently tell me that he was impressed by one of my rookie candidates because the candidate told him in his interview that he has spent lots of time on YouTube watching sales training videos.
Not everyone can take a day out of their life to attend a sales conference or convince their boss to pay for proper sales training, but thankfully, we’ve finally reached the point where you can impress your future boss just by watching TV.
Check out Jeffrey Gitomer’s Sales Training Channel on YouTube by clicking this link.
For the love of sales!